
Bunto has a plugin system with hooks that allow you to create custom generated content specific to your site. You can run custom code for your site without having to modify the Bunto source itself.

Plugins on GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is compatible with Bunto. However, all Pages sites are generated using the --safe option to disable custom plugins for security reasons. Unfortunately, this means your plugins won’t work if you’re deploying to GitHub Pages.

You can still use GitHub Pages to publish your site, but you’ll need to convert the site locally and push the generated static files to your GitHub repository instead of the Bunto source files.

Installing a plugin

You have 3 options for installing plugins:

  1. In your site source root, make a _plugins directory. Place your plugins here. Any file ending in *.rb inside this directory will be loaded before Bunto generates your site.
  2. In your _config.yml file, add a new array with the key gems and the values of the gem names of the plugins you’d like to use. An example:

     gems: [bunto-coffeescript, bunto-watch, bunto-assets]
     # This will require each of these gems automatically.

    Then install your plugins using gem install bunto-coffeescript bunto-watch bunto-assets

  3. Add the relevant plugins to a Bundler group in your Gemfile. An example:

     group :bunto_plugins do
       gem "my-bunto-plugin"
       gem "another-bunto-plugin"

    Now you need to install all plugins from your Bundler group by running single command bundle install

_plugins, _config.yml and Gemfile can be used simultaneously

You may use any of the aforementioned plugin options simultaneously in the same site if you so choose. Use of one does not restrict the use of the others.

In general, plugins you make will fall into one of five categories:

  1. Generators
  2. Converters
  3. Commands
  4. Tags
  5. Hooks


You can create a generator when you need Bunto to create additional content based on your own rules.

A generator is a subclass of Bunto::Generator that defines a generate method, which receives an instance of Bunto::Site. The return value of generate is ignored.

Generators run after Bunto has made an inventory of the existing content, and before the site is generated. Pages with YAML Front Matters are stored as instances of Bunto::Page and are available via site.pages. Static files become instances of Bunto::StaticFile and are available via site.static_files. See the Variables documentation page and Bunto::Site for more details.

For instance, a generator can inject values computed at build time for template variables. In the following example the template reading.html has two variables ongoing and done that we fill in the generator:

module Reading
  class Generator < Bunto::Generator
    def generate(site)
      ongoing, done = Book.all.partition(&:ongoing?)

      reading = site.pages.detect {|page| == 'reading.html'}['ongoing'] = ongoing['done'] = done

This is a more complex generator that generates new pages:

module Bunto

  class CategoryPage < Page
    def initialize(site, base, dir, category)
      @site = site
      @base = base
      @dir = dir
      @name = 'index.html'

      self.read_yaml(File.join(base, '_layouts'), 'category_index.html')['category'] = category

      category_title_prefix = site.config['category_title_prefix'] || 'Category: '['title'] = "#{category_title_prefix}#{category}"

  class CategoryPageGenerator < Generator
    safe true

    def generate(site)
      if site.layouts.key? 'category_index'
        dir = site.config['category_dir'] || 'categories'
        site.categories.each_key do |category|
          site.pages <<, site.source, File.join(dir, category), category)


In this example, our generator will create a series of files under the categories directory for each category, listing the posts in each category using the category_index.html layout.

Generators are only required to implement one method:

Method Description


Generates content as a side-effect.


If you have a new markup language you’d like to use with your site, you can include it by implementing your own converter. Both the Markdown and Textile markup languages are implemented using this method.

Remember your YAML Front Matter

Bunto will only convert files that have a YAML header at the top, even for converters you add using a plugin.

Below is a converter that will take all posts ending in .upcase and process them using the UpcaseConverter:

module Bunto
  class UpcaseConverter < Converter
    safe true
    priority :low

    def matches(ext)
      ext =~ /^\.upcase$/i

    def output_ext(ext)

    def convert(content)

Converters should implement at a minimum 3 methods:

Method Description


Does the given extension match this converter’s list of acceptable extensions? Takes one argument: the file’s extension (including the dot). Must return true if it matches, false otherwise.


The extension to be given to the output file (including the dot). Usually this will be ".html".


Logic to do the content conversion. Takes one argument: the raw content of the file (without YAML Front Matter). Must return a String.

In our example, UpcaseConverter#matches checks if our filename extension is .upcase, and will render using the converter if it is. It will call UpcaseConverter#convert to process the content. In our simple converter we’re simply uppercasing the entire content string. Finally, when it saves the page, it will do so with a .html extension.


As of version 2.5.0, Bunto can be extended with plugins which provide subcommands for the bunto executable. This is possible by including the relevant plugins in a Gemfile group called :bunto_plugins:

group :bunto_plugins do
  gem "my_fancy_bunto_plugin"

Each Command must be a subclass of the Bunto::Command class and must contain one class method: init_with_program. An example:

class MyNewCommand < Bunto::Command
  class << self
    def init_with_program(prog)
      prog.command(:new) do |c|
        c.syntax "new [options]"
        c.description 'Create a new Bunto site.'

        c.option 'dest', '-d DEST', 'Where the site should go.'

        c.action do |args, options|

Commands should implement this single class method:

Method Description


This method accepts one parameter, the Mercenary::Program instance, which is the Bunto program itself. Upon the program, commands may be created using the above syntax. For more details, visit the Mercenary repository on


If you’d like to include custom liquid tags in your site, you can do so by hooking into the tagging system. Built-in examples added by Bunto include the highlight and include tags. Below is an example of a custom liquid tag that will output the time the page was rendered:

module Bunto
  class RenderTimeTag < Liquid::Tag

    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
      @text = text

    def render(context)
      "#{@text} #{}"

Liquid::Template.register_tag('render_time', Bunto::RenderTimeTag)

At a minimum, liquid tags must implement:

Method Description


Outputs the content of the tag.

You must also register the custom tag with the Liquid template engine as follows:

Liquid::Template.register_tag('render_time', Bunto::RenderTimeTag)

In the example above, we can place the following tag anywhere in one of our pages:

<p>{% render_time page rendered at: %}</p>

And we would get something like this on the page:

<p>page rendered at: Tue June 22 23:38:47 –0500 2010</p>

Liquid filters

You can add your own filters to the Liquid template system much like you can add tags above. Filters are simply modules that export their methods to liquid. All methods will have to take at least one parameter which represents the input of the filter. The return value will be the output of the filter.

module Bunto
  module AssetFilter
    def asset_url(input)

ProTip™: Access the site object using Liquid

Bunto lets you access the site object through the context.registers feature of Liquid at context.registers[:site]. For example, you can access the global configuration file _config.yml using context.registers[:site].config.


There are two flags to be aware of when writing a plugin:

Flag Description


A boolean flag that informs Bunto whether this plugin may be safely executed in an environment where arbitrary code execution is not allowed. This is used by GitHub Pages to determine which core plugins may be used, and which are unsafe to run. If your plugin does not allow for arbitrary code execution, set this to true. GitHub Pages still won’t load your plugin, but if you submit it for inclusion in core, it’s best for this to be correct!


This flag determines what order the plugin is loaded in. Valid values are: :lowest, :low, :normal, :high, and :highest. Highest priority matches are applied first, lowest priority are applied last.

To use one of the example plugins above as an illustration, here is how you’d specify these two flags:

module Bunto
  class UpcaseConverter < Converter
    safe true
    priority :low


Using hooks, your plugin can exercise fine-grained control over various aspects of the build process. If your plugin defines any hooks, Bunto will call them at pre-defined points.

Hooks are registered to a container and an event name. To register one, you call Bunto::Hooks.register, and pass the container, event name, and code to call whenever the hook is triggered. For example, if you want to execute some custom functionality every time Bunto renders a post, you could register a hook like this:

Bunto::Hooks.register :posts, :post_render do |post|
  # code to call after Bunto renders a post

Bunto provides hooks for :site, :pages, :posts, and :documents. In all cases, Bunto calls your hooks with the container object as the first callback parameter. However, all :pre_render hooks and the:site, :post_render hook will also provide a payload hash as a second parameter. In the case of :pre_render, the payload gives you full control over the variables that are available while rendering. In the case of :site, :post_render, the payload contains final values after rendering all the site (useful for sitemaps, feeds, etc).

The complete list of available hooks is below:

Container Event Called



Just after the site initializes, but before setup & render. Good for modifying the configuration of the site.



Just after site reset



After site data has been read and loaded from disk



Just before rendering the whole site



After rendering the whole site, but before writing any files



After writing the whole site to disk



Whenever a page is initialized



Just before rendering a page



After rendering a page, but before writing it to disk



After writing a page to disk



Whenever a post is initialized



Just before rendering a post



After rendering a post, but before writing it to disk



After writing a post to disk



Whenever a document is initialized



Just before rendering a document



After rendering a document, but before writing it to disk



After writing a document to disk

Bunto Plugins Wanted

If you have a Bunto plugin that you would like to see added to this list, you should read the contributing page to find out how to make that happen.