Getting Help

Need help with Bunto? Try these resources.


Did you recently upgrade from Bunto 1 to 2 or from Bunto 2 to 3? Known breaking changes are listed in the upgrading docs.


Our guide to Bunto covering installation, writing, customization, deployment, and more.

View source

Learn from the source of others’ Bunto-powered sites.


Add bunto to almost any query, and you’ll find just what you need.

Bunto Talk

Bunto Talk is our official Discourse forum. Here, users and contributors can ask questions and discuss all aspects of Bunto.

Bunto on StackOverflow

StackOverflow is a staple of any developer’s diet. Check out the Bunto tag on StackOverflow for an answer to your question. Not there? Ask a new question!

Bunto IRC Channel

Get live support at #bunto on, the official Bunto IRC channel.


Search through the issues on the main Bunto development. Think you’ve found a bug? File a new issue.

@buntowaf on Twitter

The official Bunto Twitter account. It’s not checked often, so try the above first.